First Action Items

Did you just find out about the project? Join our community and voice your concerns about this project! Here are some quick action items you can take today to help our community!

  1. Reject a Civitas lease for mineral rights for your home or business if you are offered one.
  2. Talk to your neighbors about the project and its risks to our community\’s water, air, and property values. 
  3. Contact your elected officials 
    • Email Aurora city council at and ask:
      • Pass a resolution to the COGCC encouraging them to not approve the CAP expansion.
      • Utilize the Federal, State, and Intergovernmental Relations policy committee to direct the city\’s lobbyists to work with the Aurora delegation in the state legislature to change provisions in SB-181. This could look like strengthening local control over industry activity, such as requiring larger setbacks, up to allowing localities to prohibit extractive industry activity within their jurisdiction.
  4. Join us in our fight to protect our homes from fracking. The most up-to-date information is available on our Facebook page.
  5. Sign Our Petition Here