Urgent call to action: Now is the time to fight the massive State Sunlight-Long well pad.

This is the BIGGEST and MOST CONCERNING site proposed in the Lowry Ranch CAP. Submit your public comment by Friday, April 4. Learn more and access our one-click letter template here.

Fracking and Childhood Cancer: A Physician’s Perspective

On March 11, 2025, researchers from the Colorado School of Public Health published a peer-reviewed article demonstrating that children living within 3-8 miles of upstream oil and natural gas (O&G) areas may be at increased risk for an aggressive form of cancer known as acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). Dr. Sakhawat Hussain, a Save The Aurora Reservoir member and licensed physician, explains how this study relates to fracking in our community.

As a physician, I am in disbelief after reading the recent comprehensive, multi-center study, “Exposures from oil and gas development and childhood leukemia risk in Colorado”. The study found that 451 children, born in Colorado, confirmed with birth certificates, developed leukemia due to exposure to carcinogenic emissions from oil and gas (O&G) fracking wells. Despite this alarming data, no temporary moratorium has been placed on further O&G development by state agencies, counties, or the Energy & Carbon Management Commission (ECMC) to allow for increased setback distances from residential areas.

What Are We Breathing?

As physicians, we often tell our patients: “You are what you eat, drink, and breathe.” While many people spend thousands of dollars on organic food and bottled water, we have little control over the air we breathe — a reality that is becoming increasingly dangerous in oil and gas extraction zones.

Fracking releases colorless volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air, including:

  • Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylenes (BTEX compounds)
  • Formaldehyde, Acetaldehyde, 1,3-Butadiene, Styrene, and Hexane

Among these, benzene is the most concerning. It is a known human carcinogen and is strongly linked to acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Children are especially vulnerable because their developing bone marrow is highly sensitive to benzene’s toxic effects. While the European Union has set air quality safety standards for benzene at 5 micrograms per cubic meter, the U.S. has no such regulation.

Why Are Children More Vulnerable?

Children face a higher risk of leukemia due to:

  1. Rapidly proliferating bone marrow, which makes them more susceptible to DNA damage.
  2. An immature immune system, which is less effective at repairing genetic mutations.
  3. Greater vulnerability to environmental toxins, as their bodies absorb and metabolize chemicals differently than adults.

The study also observed elevated levels of urinary trans-muconic acid (a benzene metabolite) in pregnant women living near O&G wells, further highlighting the danger to developing fetuses and young children.

Colorado’s Fracking Setbacks: Too Little, Too Late

Until 2013, oil and gas wells in Colorado could be drilled just 350 feet from homes in urban areas (150 feet in rural areas). The setback was later increased to 500 feet and, following Senate Bill 19-181, raised again to 2,000 feet in 2020 While this was a step in the right direction, the recent study suggests even a two-mile setback may not be enough to protect public health.

Meanwhile, states such as New York, California, Vermont, Washington, and Maryland have outright banned fracking due to its health and environmental risks. In contrast, Colorado has continued to expand oil and gas drilling, despite SB 19-181’s mandate to prioritize public health, safety, and environmental protection over fossil fuel interests.

A Call to Action: No Substitute for an Informed Public

At this point, increasing setbacks is the only effective mitigation. Air filters and other interventions cannot fully protect residents from the widespread impact of benzene and other VOCs.

Coincidentally, a news article also published on March 11, 2025, highlights another alarming issue: Sunlight reacts with VOCs to create ground-level ozone, worsening asthma and respiratory conditions. According to the report:

  • Emissions from O&G sites contribute 36% of the 253 tons per day of VOCs released into the air.
  • In the Denver area in 2024, from May 30 to August 31, state regulators issued air quality alerts for half the days due to high pollution levels.
  • The nine-county region surrounding Denver has failed to meet air quality standards for the past two years.

Urgent Policy Action Needed

Given the overwhelming scientific evidence, ECMC must place an immediate moratorium on any future oil and gas wells—whether approved or pending approval— in the proximity of residential area until a new, evidence-based setback policy is established.

As a physician, after reviewing this report, I cannot, in good conscience, accept even a two-mile setback as sufficient protection. The study estimates that 1.37 to 2.7 million children under age five live within one mile of at least one O&G well—a staggering and unacceptable public health risk.

It is time for policymakers to prioritize the health of children over industry profits. The public must demand action. Our children’s future depends on it.

Sakhawat Hussain, MD, is a certified by the Board of Internal Medicine.