CRED Claims

Coloradans for Responsible Energy Development is an alliance of oil companies comprising of Occidental, Chevron, PDC Energy, Bayswater Exploration and Production, DCP Midstream, and Liberty Energy. They make claims that scientists have found no link between fracking and groundwater contamination.

Using a study from The Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas (TAMEST) they cherry pick the following sentence to support their claim of no ground water contamination

“Direct migration of contaminants from targeted injection zones is highly unlikely to lead to contamination of potential drinking water aquifers.” (p. 128)

The Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas

If one were to read the report, on that same page TAMEST states the following:

Surface spills and well casing leaks near the surface are the most likely pathways for oil and gas activities to lead to contamination of drinking water sources and environmental damage.

The Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas

TAMEST also states:

Information on spills and leaks from oil and gas activities in Texas is less accessible and detailed than in some states, potentially limiting the ability to identify sources and root causes.

The Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas

So can we really trust a \”Non Profit\” operating for the financial interests of oil and gas companies at the expense of water, air, and the health of the community? We say NO.