Ask that the communities in Arapahoe County have a seat at the table when they are drafting new regulations for oil and gas, especially those that are living closest to these wells. A copy of the letter will be sent to the commissioners and the email address provided for your purposes.
Dear Commissioners,
Subject: Disappointment in Moratorium Decision and Call for Community-Led Policy
My Name is [your name] and I live at [zipcode]. I write to you today as a concerned citizen of Arapahoe County, expressing my disappointment in the board\’s recent decision not to approve the proposed moratorium on oil and gas development. This decision has significantly eroded the trust that we, as a community, have placed in the commission. However, I firmly believe that this trust can be restored if the board commits to implementing community-led policies that prioritize the health and well-being of our residents and the environment.
In light of the moratorium\’s rejection, it is crucial that the board takes immediate steps to include the voices of the community in drafting new policies. I strongly urge you to involve local community groups such as Save the Aurora Reservoir in these discussions. By doing so, you will foster a more inclusive and equitable decision-making process that reflects the diverse interests and concerns of our community.
Excluding these community voices would result in policy development that only serves the interests of oil and gas operators, disregarding the potential impacts on human health and the environment. This is not a sustainable or responsible approach to governance. As public officials, your primary responsibility is to serve and protect the citizens of Arapahoe County, not corporate interests.
To move forward with integrity and demonstrate your commitment to the well-being of our community, I respectfully ask that you:
- Engage with community groups like Save the Aurora Reservoir in an open and transparent manner.
- Seek their input and recommendations on new policy proposals related to oil and gas development.
- Work collaboratively with these groups to ensure that any future policies align with the needs and values of the community.
I believe that by involving community voices in the decision-making process, you will not only restore our trust in the commission but also contribute to a healthier and more prosperous Arapahoe County. I hope you will seriously consider these recommendations and take the necessary steps to create a more inclusive and responsive county government.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response and to seeing positive changes in the near future.
[Your Name]