On May 16, 2024, we showed up, we spoke out, and we made an impact. For the nearly 300 people in attendance during Thursday night’s local public hearing, it was clear that something meaningful was taking place.
The circumstances were not in our favor. The hearing was granted less than two weeks in advance, with the exact time and place confirmed just ten days prior. The event was held just a few doors down from the Civitas Arena, named for and funded by the oil and gas company that is pushing forward the Lowry Ranch Comprehensive Area Plan (CAP).
Yet by the time the floor opened for individual public comments, the room was filled, with additional people standing around the edges. More than 50 concerned residents spoke, including people of all ages and backgrounds. We heard emotional testimony from parents who fear for the health and wellness of their children, scientists and engineers with relevant professional credentials, advocates for environmental justice, and informed community members who had clearly read the entire 282-page cumulative impacts analysis submitted by Civitas.
And every single one of them had the same recommendation: Deny the CAP.
We now head into the next phase of our fight with a renewed sense of optimism and an unabated desire to stand up for our community — the community who showed up when it mattered most.
What happens now?
No decision has been made on whether or how to proceed with the CAP. The power and responsibility continues to lie in the hands of two government bodies: the Colorado Energy & Carbon Management Commission (ECMC) and the Arapahoe County Board of Commissioners. We have additional opportunities to influence both in the coming weeks.
Keep an eye on our priority actions and follow us on Facebook & Instagram for the latest!